Day 0

It was after my third baby was born that I first realized I was a stress eater.  Siena, my newest baby, hated car rides.  One particularly bad car ride I found myself opening the newly purchased bag of oreos and eating one after another.  After polishing off at least six oreos I realized I didn’t taste any of them.  I was trying to drown out the stress with food.

Even though I recognized my problem, it did not stop me from repeating it…over and over and over again.  (That’s what raising young kids can do.)  Plus, I like food.  I especially like treats…cookies and brownies are my biggest weakness.  I have a sugar addiction.

However, I’m not completely naive on what I should and should not be eating.  I subscribe to the school of thought that vegetables and lean proteins are best, dairy and grains should be kept to a minimum, and refined sugar is no-good.

So, on this Day 0 I need to put it in writing that I will be changing my eating habits–a lot.  I hope to change my family’s eating habits too.  Little by little we will all be eating better, and consequently feeling better.
