Surprise Annoucement


We are expecting a third SURPRISE baby in April!

I gave birth to Rosalyn in March.  Even though she was exclusively breastfed my period came back when she turned 3 months.  (Incidentally, the same was true with Liliana.  I guess I’m not one of those women that don’t get their period while breastfeeding.)  Not a big deal, and I didn’t think much of it.  I went about my business raising two kids, and continued to breastfeed.  So when my period didn’t come back the next month I just figured it was because I was breastfeeding.  Then another month went by and no period.  But really, I didn’t think anything of it.

Then one morning I woke up not feeling great–not terrible, but a little sick.  I was supposed to go out with my husband that night and we were going to have a friend watch the kids.  She asked if we were still going out, and I responded, “I’m not feeling well, but I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.”  Then “tomorrow” came and I still felt sick.  But I didn’t think anything of it.

A couple days later my friend came over and I was telling her how I felt and she said asked if I could be pregnant.  And of course I thought, no way…I JUST had a baby!  But later that day I got to thinking, and I told my husband we should probably pick up a pregnancy test.

I took the test while Adam was putting the girls to bed.  I cried a little when the test immediately came up positive.  My whole world changed in an instant.  Everything I was “planning” (i.e. losing weight, get back to working out, not being pregnant for a while) no longer applied.  I didn’t sleep at all that night.


That was short lived, because now I’m more excited this time around then with the first two.  I still worry all the time.  And I think, for me, that’s the hardest part of pregnancy (the worry and anxiety).  But my doctor has assured me that the chances of complications due to the closeness in pregnancy is really low.  I was slightly embarrassed to have to tell my OB and the girls Ped that I’m pregnant again, because at first I felt like we were irresponsible or something.  But both doctors were very, very nice about it.  They said it happens more than you think.

I really love being a mother, and I can’t wait to have another!

Mystery Solved

I got discouraged after making a couple loaves of bread only to have them fall when baking, so I stopped baking every day.  But then we decided to have a faux Thanksgiving dinner last week and I wanted to make the rolls from scratch.  I went with Parker House Rolls (they’re famous apparently).  And after watching a couple youtube videos about them, I decided to make Martha Stewart’s version.  I kneaded the dough for ten minutes, and my shoulders hurt!  But they turned out beautifully!  I was so happy with the outcome.  They tasted great too!  I forgot to take a picture of them though!  =(

After the success of the rolls I wanted to bake something else, so the next day I tried the King Arthur Classic Sandwich loaf.  I kneaded it for 8 minutes and it turned out perfect!  Liliana and I ate most of it that day, and Adam took the rest with him to school.

So I guess that’s the key…knead long enough to create enough structure in the gluten.  Anyway, my confidence in baking (all by hand) is increasing.  I’ll be sure to take pictures of my next baking adventure!